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We value loving, committed relationships, regardless of gender.
Love is Love.
Perhaps you are an individual or couple
looking for a faith community that shares your values.
Maybe you’re seeking open conversations about marriage in society.
Maybe you’re looking for a wedding officiant.
No matter what, you are welcome here. Let us know how we can support you, wherever you are in life.
It’s not just about marriage equality.
It’s recognizing God loves all people.
It’s trusting the Spirit is moving us forward.
It’s standing proudly for equality and justice.
It’s living publicly into our values every day.
It’s believing we can live into a better tomorrow.
It’s about all this and more.

This statement ran full-page in OutFront Colorado’s 2014 “Marriage Equality” Issue. It is something our pastor, our church leadership, and our entire congregation have chosen to speak boldly to the world.

“For many United Methodists, opening our doors to marriage equality is an extension of opening our hearts and minds to what God is doing in the world.
As congregations and as pastors we value loving committed relationships, regardless of gender.
Whether in our sanctuaries or another perfect venue you’ve picked out, we will bless your union and celebrate your wedding.”
This statement ran full-page in Westword’s “2014 Best of Denver” Issue. It is something our pastor, our church leadership, and our entire congregation have chosen to speak boldly to the world.
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